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Research.University News: Mustafa Suleyman on getting Washington and Silicon Valley to tame AI

There is one big question in AI: how much better can LLMs get? This isn’t just important for worries about building a super-intelligent AI, it also matters for work, as AI can do many tasks at an average human level, or better, already. What happens if it reaches the 99% level of ability?

So far, LLM ability increases with the scale of the underlying model… and a founder of DeepMind says the scale of models is going up 1000x in the next 3 years!

CALYPSO: LLMs as Dungeon Masters’ Assistants

The best use of AI is in your narrow domain of expertise, where you can understand its limits, and its value. That helps you become a “centaur,” integrating your best human abilities with the capabilities of AI work, so that your output becomes a blend of both, like the half-person half-horse of myth.